Friday, October 19, 2018


 Ebi Nurseman Isaac's Open Message to:
1. President Muhammadu Buhari
2. Ag. President Yemi Osibanjo
3. Senate President, Bukola Saraki and his Distinguished Colleagues
4. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara and his Honourable Colleagues
5. Chief Justice of the Federation, Walter Samuel Nkanu Onnoghen
6. All the 36 State Governors and Minister, FCT, Abuja
7. Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr.Godwin Emefiele
8. Speakers and Members of State Houses of Assembly
9. All the 774 Local Government Council Chairmen in Nigeria
10. All that are in Positions of Authority and Decision Making Level
In my book titled “Principles and Techniques of Electing Visionary Leaders for Nation Building” published in March 2007, I outlined about 24 identified Socio-economic Problems in Nigeria
and also mentioned the Consequences of Visionary Leadership in a Country which has been published in a number of times in local and national news papers especially Vanguard and Banner Newspapers respectively.
The Identified Socio-economic Problems Referred to are:
(1) Problem of lack of qualitative education for all.
(2) Problem of unstable or epileptic power supply in all parts of the country.
(3) The aged long under development problem of the oil/ gas rich Niger Delta Region.
(4) The problem of not having good transportation system - air, land and sea.
(5) Problem of employment and affordable shelter for all.
(6) Problem of not choosing, appointing or electing the right person to do the right job.
(7) Problem of not giving "Real Situation Report" (RSR) on issues at the local, state and national levels respectively.
(8) Problem of lack of good medical facilities/services.
(9) Problem of lack of security of lives, property and the environment (10) Problem of lack of maintenance culture.
(11) Problem of not recognizing, empowering and utilizing talented
and resourceful persons.
(12) Problem of placing money above integrity and service to humanity.
(13) Problem of deliberate creation of crises situation to benefit a few to the detriment of the common man.
(14) Problem of ineffective supervision of workers and projects with the aim of ensuring compliance, rewarding of faithful workers and punishment of defaulters and indolent ones (15) Problem of lack of portable water for all citizens.
(16) Problem of display of injustice by a so- called leader that breads
crises situation and consequently leads to an ungovernable society (17) Problem of exchanging good ideas by experts to solve identified national problem with pre- determined ideas of selfish leaders that may not solve the problem.
(18) Problem of lack of effective and continuous formulation and implementation of problem solving policies, regulations and laws aimed at promoting the dignity of the citizenry and peaceful co-existence.
(19) Problem of bribery, corruption and indiscipline.
(20) Problem of re-orientating the mind-set of the citizenry to possess the right perspective on people and wealth acquired through dubious ways.
(21) Problem of requiring effectiveness, performance and productivity from workers without providing the necessary working tools and enabling environment which I called 'Pharaohic Leadership and Management Principle'.
(22) Problem of talented and resourceful persons leaving the country to foreign lands and being used by foreign nationals to develop their
countries while economic and political problems remain unsolved in the country.
(23) The problem of various Ministries, Parastatals, professions, agencies, commissions, etc not being able to sincerely and faithfully carry out their legal/ statutory and civic duties/ responsibilities.
(24) Problem of tribalism, ethnicity, nepotism, sectionalism which is resulting to our warring against one another instead of waging am tireless war against Indiscipline and Corruption, Impoliteness, Insubordination, Incorrigibility, Insincerity, Individualism, In hospitality, Inhumanity, Injustice, Inferiority complex and Insensitivity to matters that promote peaceful co-existence and purposeful nation building activities. Consequences of Visionary Leadership in a Country as Stated in the Book
Nigeria is believed to have been blessed by God graciously with abundant human, mineral and natural resources in all the 36 states of the federation including the federal capital territory
(FCT), Abuja, that if prudently managed with result oriented war against corruption and indiscipline can place the country among the top five richest nations of the world. Research on mineral resources deposits in Nigeria reveal that as far as mineral deposits are
concern, Kogi state and next-door Nasarawa state are the most well endowed across the entire country. Kogi state alone has enough deposits of coal to supply all of Nigeria with electricity for 400 years and limestone to keep 3 giants sized cement factories (with over
15million tons annual capacity) operational for an unbroken stretch of 99 years. Next door in Nasarawa state, there are commercial deposits of 25 MINERAL RESOURCES including tantalite, barite, copper, iron ore, tin, coal, columbite, aquamarine etc.
The 2006 census conducted by the National, Population Commission (NPC), places Nigeria population at One Hundred and Forty Million. Let us even assume there are Two Hundred Million people in Nigeria, the federal, state, and local government respectively can, without any stress, budget at least #500, 000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira Only) for each citizen annually. This means #41, 500 (Forty One Thousand Five Hundred Naira Only) or $273 (Two Hundred and Seventy Three USD) monthly allowance, (#152 to a Dollar) being 50% for federal, 30% for states and 20% for local government councils contributions to what I call 'Nigeria Citizenship Monthly Allowance Fund'  NCMAF. This has nothing to do with appropriate salary and wages
for those employed in the private or public sector. Neither does this affect any capital project to be carried out in the country in a given year. It should be just one of the benefits as a bonafide citizen of this great country. Who is a visionary leader? A visionary leader in my own definition is someone who identifies the socio-economic problems in a given society and proffers strategic solutions to them within a reasonable time for present and future generations. This means he or she does not explain or describe problems nor rub the
identified problems with vaseline or paint them with different primary or secondary colours for the citizens to see them clearly (feel the pain
more) rather, he uses his resourcefulness, creativity, hard work, diligence and all available resources which are Men, Materials and Money (3Ms) to solve identified problems. In other
words, a visionary leader uses what I call 'Root- tology Approach and not Branch-tology or Stem-tology or Fruit-tology Approach' in solving identified problems. Many people all over the world especially in Africa are in dare need of a visionary President
or Head of government to lead them to the promise land of solving identified socio- economic problems confronting them in their
nations of which Nigeria claiming to be the giant of Africa is not an exception. However, instead of being confused with so many people claiming to have possessed with visionary leadership qualities, it is imperative to look at the consequences or the resultant effects of having a visionary leadership in any given country.
Historical records reveal that some countries of the world had at one time or the other experienced socio-economic problems that resulted to serious famine, depression and deaths. Some people during those periods committed suicide. The United States of America
(USA), Japan, China, Malaysia and even Ghana are living examples. In fact, many Ghanaians in the 80's left their country to neighbouring
countries especially Nigeria for safety, while others died in the process. What shall we say about the sad experiences of the Japanese,
Malaysians and Chinese? But when visionary leadership emerged in those countries and took strategic decisions, things turned around for
good and the evidences are clearly seen. What are the consequences of visionary leadership in a country? In other words, what will be resultant effects of having a visionary leader in a given
country? They are many but let me mention a few of them.
First, there will be uninterrupted power supply throughout the country which is the key to solving other Socio-economic problems. Even in the Bible, the first thing God created was light Second, the citizens of the country who might have left for other countries for safety or any other economic reasons might return home. If the citizens of the country in the Diaspora are not returning home, instead, the remaining ones are still constantly visiting embassies to obtain
visa to travel out, it means visionary leadership has not emerged over the years. Third, talented and resourceful persons in the country will be recognized, empowered and utilized for profitable nation building activities. Fourth, talented and resourceful citizens of the country who are being used by foreigners in developing their countries will return home to assist in nation building and development
activities. Fifth, lip services to the nation's educational
sector which is another vital key to sustainable and improved development of a country will be replaced with sincere and goal oriented investment.
Sixth, there will be high level of technological growth that will lead to decrease in import and increase exports, manufacturing of goods and
services for local and international use. Seventh, there will be strict or uncompromising enforcement of laws and policies on all citizens (complete practice of rule of law) and compliance to set down rules and procedures at all levels of governance. Eight, there will be practice of ‘True or Fiscal Federalism’ where the federating units (states) are statutorily empowered to control their resources (all type of resources) for competitive development and payment of tax where
applicable to the federal government. Last but not the least, indiscipline and corruption in practice and principle will be wiped out in the country while the poverty level of the citizens will be reduced to zero percent. In the introductory part of this book, I said,
critical analysis of the nation's wealth reveal that an average Nigeria can receive a monthly allowance of N41, 500 as one of the
benefits as a bonafide citizen of this great country. The implication is that the Minimum Salary or Wages for those employed either in the
Public of Private sector should be between N150, 000 and N200, 000 per month. Many may have this wrong notion or entertain fear that the N41, 500 Monthly Allowance might encourage laziness in the society. In my opinion, it can only lead to high level of production as people especially talented ones are empowered financially from primary school days in embarking on research activities
to manufacture or event machines and equipment that the nation is importing for production activities. What is the sense of
budgeting over N4 Trillion in a year when between 70 and 80 percent of the amount is going to developed nations through the use and acquisition of technological equipment and services. The question is, when will Nigerians manufacture cars of different type, Air-craft,
Crude Oil Drilling Equipment, Ships, Computer, Television, GSM handsets etc in this country? The people who are manufacturing them do not have two heads. In fact the personal being used in manufacturing some of these equipment/machines as well as rendering technological services are Nigerians in developed countries. I am sure we have such people right in our Country that are endowed with uncommon gifts and talents to move the nation forward but the
absence of empowerment to utilize their talent in the society is negatively affecting their usefulness in the society. When Visionary
Leadership emerges, Socio-economic Problems will naturally fade away to the thin air. We need visionary leaders and the time is now!
It is close to 10 years I published these in my book yet I have not seen any significant effort by the government to correct the problems. The
question is: How can we come out of economic recession? I think solving them is the only way, to not just coming out of this present
predicament but an answer to building a strong and prosperous nation. If we continue to avoid talented and resourceful persons in the country because they are not party loyalists and be talking about this one is a member or not member of PDP or APC etc, we may not come out of this man-made economic and political crisis and under- development in the local, states and the nation in general. After all the biblical Joseph wasn’t even an Egyptian, neither was he a party loyalist but his talent and gifts were recognized, released from prison of limitation and was appointed as the Prime Minister to solve the on-coming famine in the land of Egypt at that time. May God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Ebi Nurseman Isaac, acia
Author ; 07037507733
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